After van 1 finished all of our second runs, we got to "sleep". Though sleep is a very generous term. We were all trying to sleep in the van. We could have slept outside but it was freezing! During our runs this time the weather turned quite nasty. I luckily didn't have any rain, sleet or snow...but Chrystyna and Gail weren't as lucky! Poor Ryan had a really hard time during the race. He was battling time zone change, severe weather change and car sickness. Unfortunately, he had to leave us during the second round of runs.
When we woke up the next morning, Karen & Joe were both feeling really bad. Joe pushed through his run. Gail was sweet enough to change legs with Karen to give her more time feel better. My third and final leg of the run was really good. I was worried after the hard time I had the night before, but it was good and motivating.
I am so proud of our team! Much to our dismay, we did live up to our name. We were the very last team to finish...but barely. And technically, we finished ahead of several teams who didn't finish. There were a few teams we started with and really wanted to beat. "We got the runs" was the team we most wanted to beat. We heard they had some difficulties and didn't exactly run the race the right way...so we were last to the finish line but to us we still beat "we got the runs".
During the race, I made the big mistake and said I would never do another Ragnar race again. Of course, I have revised that decision and would LOVE to do another Ragnar. I'm thinking Havard to Yale or Wisconsin to Chicago.
Here we are at the finish line! What an amazing experience!