Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pushing It

If you had ask me 6 months ago if I could run 6 miles, the answer would have been no.  An emphatic NO, with a "why would anyone want to do that" added to the end!  And I couldn't have imagined getting up before 6 am on a Saturday morning and running 6 miles.  However, that's what I did this morning, and I love it!

I still haven't found the elusive "runner's high".  But what I have found are some great people, self confidence and an awesome way to burn a lot of calories!  The best part about running with a group is the way we encourage each other.  The first two miles of every run makes me want to quit.  But being with a group of other runners keeps me going.  

Today's run was especially good.  I'm not sure if it was the mild weather or because I've finally started properly hydrating, but I'm thankful either way.  At the end Joe suggested we push it for our last 3 minute running interval.  Ummm....I've ran over 5 miles me that IS pushing it.  However, I did push it.  We ran faster and felt great about the way we finished.  

Here are the two major motivators for me to push it a little harder at the end of today's run.  

Chick-n-minis, who wouldn't be inspired!

Ahhhh, my personal favorite.  

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Second Run

What a difference a week makes.  The weather today was awesome!  I'd prefer it a little warmer...i like the shorts and tank top weather, but today was much better than 14 degrees and snow from last week.

Today's run was five miles, ok so it was just a touch shorter, but i see no reason not to say 5 miles.  After all, I did have to walk to and from my car.  

After running with the 4/1's last week, they were a little fast for me.  Luckily when I got there this morning, a group from my No Boundaries group was there and had decided to run 4/1 but at a slower pace.  I was more than happy to join them!  We had an awesome run!  

Thanks Joe, Gail, Carol, Christina and Corey for a great run today.  Joe lead the way and did a great job.  A positive attitude makes all the difference!  

For anyone who has not been to Ravenwood High School, beware of the speed bumps (actually they are more like mini mountains, at least they are when you don't see them coming and hit them at 40 miles an hour...YIKES)!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The First Run

Today was my first run training for the Country Music Half Marathon. I'm doing my training with the Fleet Feet...I highly recommend them for any running/walking needs you have.

The run for today was supposed to be an easy 4 miles, however mother nature had a little surprise in store for us. Though the snow was should have quit on Thursday, at least according to our weather people, I woke up to a fresh coat of snow on my car. Briefly, I thought about staying in and putting in my four miles on the treadmill. But I was already dressed and thought I would at least meet the group and check in since it was the first day. If it was too bad I could always skip the run.

I had been preparing to run in the freezing cold, but I had not been preparing to run in the snow. My biggest fear was slipping and falling...even on flat dry surfaces, I'm not exactly what most people would consider coordinated.

After signing in, I decided to at least start the run. Bargaining with myself, I decided if it was awful I could turn around. I started out in the interval group running 6 min and walking 1 min. But they proved to be way too fast for me. I fell back to the 4/1 group. It was a much better fit.
I made it the whole four miles, in the snow, uphill both ways. OK, so maybe not uphill both ways, but there were times it certainly felt like it!

Thanks to Rebecca, Erin, and Christina for starting with me...and to Christina who joined me in the 4/1 group and then we progressed/regressed to the back of that group. Judd is an excellent leader and came back for us at the end. It was a great start...and I'm looking forward to next Saturday...well as much as you can look forward to waking up at 6 in the morning on a Saturday and braving the freezing cold. But it will be worth it!